Once the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, the blood remaining in the umbilical cord is transferred to a collection bag. There are no risks for the mother or baby.
How is umbilical cord blood banked?
You have two options to consider with umbilical cord blood banking:
- Public umbilical cord blood banking means that your baby’s cord blood would be available for research and public use. Cord blood from unrelated donors can be used to treat such conditions as leukemia. There is no fee to bank and ship cord blood for public umbilical cord blood banking.
- Private umbilical cord blood banking means that you want your baby’s cord blood for personal use. There is an associated cost for this service that includes collection and maintenance. However, companies offer many payment options in an effort to ease the upfront cost.
Your OB/GYN can help you make the best choice for umbilical cord blood banking.
How are cord blood stem cells (from umbilical cord blood banking) different from other stem cells?
- Umbilical cord blood stem cells are younger and more flexible than stem cells from other sources. They are quickly available and can help minimize the progression of the condition.
- Umbilical cord blood stem cells result in fewer complications in transplant surgery.
- Umbilical cord blood stem cells can be used for your own medical conditions that currently do not have medical treatment options.
- Umbilical cord blood banking preserves the cells and keep them from aging.
Umbilical cord blood banking is currently used to treat more than 80 diseases including cancer, blood disorders, immune disorders and metabolic disorders.
Potential future uses for umbilical cord blood banking include treatment for such conditions as cerebral palsy, autism, traumatic brain injury and pediatric stroke.
There is also the possibility of helping Alzheimer’s disease, lung injury, heart disease and spinal cord injury.